


The Unitwin (University Twinning and Networking) programme “was launched in 1992, in accordance with a resolution adopted by the General Conference of UNESCO at its 26th session (1991). The Programme operates through the establishment of UNESCO chairs, and UNESCO networks which are also designated as UNITWIN projects. This UNESCO Programme serves as a prime means of capacity building through the exchange of knowledge and sharing in a spirit of solidarity. Thus it promotes north-south and south-south cooperation as a strategy to enrich institutions. The main participants are universities and research institutions, in partnership with many important higher education NGOs, foundations, and public and private sector organizations. UNITWIN opens avenues for the higher education community to join forces with UNESCO to achieve the objectives of the global agenda.”” (http://portal.unesco.org/education/en/ev.php-URL_ID=22129&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=201.html)


Research on Intangible Cultural Heritage and Cultural Diversity

Host Institution:


General Director: Dra. Lourdes Arizpe Schlosser

Executive Director: Dra. Cristina Amescua

I. Summary

This Chair will develop concepts and methodologies to establish inventories and safeguarding techniques for intangible cultural heritage in local communities in culturally diverse social contexts, including field studies, methodology development and capacity building among researchers.

Studies conducted through fieldwork will include cultural agents of the communities in setting up strategies for the safeguarding and revitalization of their ICH. Advances made in developing such methodologies and strategies will be disseminated through cooperation with national institutions and academic centers and will be discussed through international networks with researchers and university centers, especially in developing countries. Specific strategies will also be developed and discussed with other relevant cultural foundations, NGOs and private sector organizations

II. Objetives

a) Conduct studies on intangible cultural heritage that enable the building of stronger theory and methodologies on the living cultures of Mexico.

b) Conduct field trips to gain a systematic knowledge on the several manifestations of our national heritage for the elaboration of regional mappings of these phenomena, especially in the states of Morelos, Guerrero y Oaxaca.

c) Create archives and inventories of the manifestations of intangible cultural heritage in the state of Morelos that can constitute the starting point for national, state and regional programs.

d) Collaborate with UNESCO in the elaboration of definitions, criteria, methods and structure of archives on intangible cultural heritage for international programs, especially those of Latin America and the Caribbean